Province of WIEN(STADT)

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of WIEN(STADT)
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Wien10.,Favoriten 212,255
11.0 11.0
Wien22.,Donaustadt 203,823
10.6 21.5
Wien21.,Floridsdorf 178,185
9.2 30.8
Wien23.,Liesing 115,174
6.0 36.7
Wien11.,Simmering 106,078
5.5 42.2
Wien2.,Leopoldstadt 104,688
5.4 47.6
Wien16.,Ottakring 101,638
5.3 52.9
Wien12.,Meidling 97,909
5.1 58.0
Wien3.,Landstraße 93,744
4.9 62.8
10° Wien14.,Penzing 92,989
4.8 67.6
11° Wien20.,Brigittenau 84,471
4.4 72.0
12° Wien15.,Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus 75,635
3.9 75.9
13° Wien19.,Döbling 73,873
3.8 79.8
14° Wien17.,Hernals 56,014
2.9 82.7
15° Wien13.,Hietzing 53,959
2.8 85.4
16° Wien5.,Margareten 53,731
2.8 88.2
17° Wien18.,Währing 50,865
2.6 90.9
18° Wien9.,Alsergrund 41,382
2.1 93.0
19° Wien4.,Wieden 33,007
1.7 94.7
20° Wien7.,Neubau 31,326
1.6 96.3
21° Wien6.,Mariahilf 30,958
1.6 97.9
22° Wien8.,Josefstadt 24,189
1.3 99.2
23° Wien1.,InnereStadt 15,700
0.8 100.0
Total 1,931,593 100.0 -

Population: Fonte