
Province of ST. CLAIR COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of ST. CLAIR COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Osceola 1,978
20.9 20.9
Appleton 1,439
15.2 36.2
Butler 1,235
13.1 49.3
Roscoe 680
7.2 56.5
Speedwell 605
6.4 62.9
Collins 565
6.0 68.8
Jackson 542
5.7 74.6
Doyal 492
5.2 79.8
Dallas 356
3.8 83.6
10° Chalk Level 297
3.1 86.7
11° Monegaw 269
2.8 89.6
12° Osage 263
2.8 92.3
13° Center 231
2.4 94.8
14° Washington 207
2.2 97.0
15° Polk 169
1.8 98.8
16° Taber 116
1.2 100.0
Total 9,444 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER