Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of PEMBINA COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Cavalier city 1,204
16.9 16.9
Walhalla city 1,033
14.5 31.3
Drayton city 760
10.7 42.0
Cavalier township 747
10.5 52.5
Pembina city 502
7.0 59.5
St. Thomas city 328
4.6 64.1
Neche city 323
4.5 68.6
Advance 162
2.3 70.9
Crystal city 144
2.0 72.9
10° St. Joseph 143
2.0 74.9
11° Akra 132
1.8 76.8
12° St. Thomas township 127
1.8 78.5
13° Lodema 117
1.6 80.2
14° Beaulieu 115
1.6 81.8
15° Joliette 112
1.6 83.4
16° Park 110
1.5 84.9
17° Walhalla township 106
1.5 86.4
18° Crystal township 97
1.4 87.8
19° Gardar 96
1.3 89.1
20° La Moure 90
1.3 90.4
21° Hamilton township 83
1.2 91.5
22° Mountain 72
1.0 92.5
23° Midland 64
0.9 93.4
24° Bathgate township 63
0.9 94.3
25° Thingvalla 61
0.9 95.2
26° Felson 56
0.8 96.0
27° Hamilton city 51
0.7 96.7
28° Pembina township 48
0.7 97.3
29° Bathgate city 45
0.6 98.0
30° Neche township 35
0.5 98.5
31° Carlisle 32
0.4 98.9
32° Elora 28
0.4 99.3
33° Canton City 19
0.3 99.6
34° Drayton township 18
0.3 99.8
35° Lincoln 13
0.2 100.0
Total 7,136 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER