

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of MCPHERSON COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
McPherson city 13,212
45.3 45.3
Lindsborg 3,417
11.7 57.0
Mound 2,163
7.4 64.4
Empire 1,708
5.9 70.3
Superior 1,650
5.7 75.9
Canton 1,114
3.8 79.8
Marquette 844
2.9 82.7
Spring Valley 436
1.5 84.2
King City 386
1.3 85.5
10° Lone Tree 367
1.3 86.7
11° Meridian 354
1.2 88.0
12° Little Valley 353
1.2 89.2
13° Harper 351
1.2 90.4
14° Groveland 342
1.2 91.5
15° Turkey Creek 311
1.1 92.6
16° Union 286
1.0 93.6
17° McPherson township 271
0.9 94.5
18° New Gottland 264
0.9 95.4
19° Castle 236
0.8 96.2
20° Hayes 217
0.7 97.0
21° Gypsum Creek 211
0.7 97.7
22° Smoky Hill 207
0.7 98.4
23° Delmore 203
0.7 99.1
24° Jackson 113
0.4 99.5
25° Battle Hill 73
0.3 99.7
26° Bonaville 43
0.1 99.9
27° South Sharps Creek 32
0.1 100.0
Total 29,164 100.0 -

Population: Fonte FACTFINDER