Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE COMPONENTS OF A FAMILY"
in Municipalities of Province of TRAILL COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesAverage components of a family
Morgan 4.78
Herberg 3.67
Elm River 3.50
Roseville 3.48
Garfield 3.35
Norway 3.27
Caledonia 3.26
Norman 3.19
Buxton township 2.98
10° Buxton city 2.81
11° Bingham 2.58
12° Mayville city 2.55
13° Mayville township 2.53
14° Kelso 2.51
15° Belmont 2.47
Province of TRAILL COUNTY 2.44
16° Wold 2.44
17° Lindaas 2.41
18° Eldorado 2.40
19° Reynolds 2.40
20° Bloomfield 2.34
21° Portland 2.32
22° Hillsboro city 2.29
23° Stavanger 2.24
24° Galesburg township 2.16
25° Hatton 2.11
26° Ervin 2.11
27° Bohnsack 2.00
28° Clifford 2.00
29° Viking 1.96
30° Galesburg city 1.96
31° Hillsboro township 1.93
32° Greenfield 1.83
33° Blanchard 1.55
34° Grandin 0.00

Families: Fonte FACTFINDER
Population: Fonte FACTFINDER