Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE COMPONENTS OF A FAMILY"
in Municipalities of Province of SHAWANO COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesAverage components of a family
Marion 4.67
Pulaski 3.98
Bowler 3.35
Hartland 3.19
Green Valley 3.04
Birnamwood village 3.00
Herman 2.89
Grant 2.86
Waukechon 2.83
10° Lessor 2.82
11° Aniwa town 2.79
12° Wittenberg town 2.75
13° Mattoon 2.63
14° Bartelme 2.63
15° Birnamwood town 2.61
16° Maple Grove 2.56
17° Eland 2.53
18° Bonduel 2.52
19° Hutchins 2.52
20° Almon 2.50
21° Angelica 2.50
22° Wittenberg village 2.46
23° Red Springs 2.46
Province of SHAWANO COUNTY 2.44
24° Belle Plaine 2.42
25° Richmond 2.40
26° Gresham 2.40
27° Tigerton 2.39
28° Morris 2.39
29° Germania 2.34
30° Aniwa village 2.33
31° Navarino 2.28
32° Seneca 2.28
33° Shawano 2.25
34° Pella 2.25
35° Fairbanks 2.23
36° Washington 2.19
37° Cecil 2.15
38° Wescott 2.07

Families: Fonte FACTFINDER
Population: Fonte FACTFINDER