
Province of POLK COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE COMPONENTS OF A FAMILY"
in Municipalities of Province of POLK COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesAverage components of a family
South Benton 3.11
East Looney 3.02
North Benton 2.94
Jefferson 2.83
Northwest Marion 2.80
Jackson 2.78
North Green 2.76
West Looney 2.75
Johnson 2.74
10° Flemington 2.70
11° West Madison 2.65
12° Southwest Marion 2.64
13° Mooney 2.62
Province of POLK COUNTY 2.62
14° Northeast Marion 2.55
15° Campbell 2.49
16° McKinley 2.45
17° East Madison 2.44
18° Southeast Marion 2.38
19° Wishart 2.38
20° South Green 2.24
21° Union 2.07
22° Cliquot 1.76

Families: Fonte FACTFINDER
Population: Fonte FACTFINDER