Province of MINER COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE COMPONENTS OF A FAMILY"
in Municipalities of Province of MINER COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesAverage components of a family
Vilas 4.50
Belleview 3.68
Green Valley 3.40
Redstone 3.25
Canova township 3.20
Roswell township 2.57
Rock Creek 2.53
Clinton 2.51
Howard city 2.48
10° Adams 2.45
Province of MINER COUNTY 2.36
11° Clearwater 2.28
12° Canova town 2.18
13° Vermillion 2.00
14° Carthage township 2.00
15° Carthage city 1.68
16° Henden 1.61
17° Beaver 1.56
18° Howard township 1.51
19° Miner 1.46
20° Grafton 0.00

Families: Fonte FACTFINDER
Population: Fonte FACTFINDER