Province of KNOX COUNTY

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE COMPONENTS OF A FAMILY"
in Municipalities of Province of KNOX COUNTY
PMunicipalitiesAverage components of a family
Jefferson 3.72
Bohemia 3.71
Hill 3.28
Dowling 2.96
Union 2.86
Eastern 2.85
Frankfort 2.83
Western 2.79
Walnut Grove 2.71
10° Washington 2.64
11° Central 2.60
12° Herrick 2.56
13° Miller 2.49
14° Harrison 2.39
15° Lincoln 2.38
Province of KNOX COUNTY 2.34
16° Addison 2.33
17° Creighton city 2.33
18° Crofton 2.31
19° Valley 2.31
20° Morton 2.27
21° North Frankfort 2.23
22° Columbia 2.20
23° Raymond 2.20
24° Spade 2.15
25° Creighton township 2.11
26° Bloomfield 2.05
27° Verdigre 2.04
28° Dolphin 2.01
29° Cleveland 1.95
30° Peoria 1.94
31° Niobrara 1.84
32° Sparta 1.73
33° Logan 1.33

Families: Fonte FACTFINDER
Population: Fonte FACTFINDER