Municipality of Ajuchitlán del progreso

Age classes per gender and related impact, average age and old-age index in Municipality of AJUCHITLÁN DEL PROGRESO

Population by age (Year 2020)
0 - 2 age 1,257 6.84 1,207 6.26 2,464 6.54
3 - 5 age 1,291 7.02 1,260 6.54 2,551 6.77
6 - 11 age 2,396 13.04 2,348 12.18 4,744 12.60
12 - 17 age 2,173 11.82 2,142 11.11 4,315 11.46
18 - 24 age 2,029 11.04 2,153 11.17 4,182 11.11
25 - 34 age 2,436 13.25 2,726 14.14 5,162 13.71
35 - 44 age 1,994 10.85 2,165 11.23 4,159 11.05
45 - 54 age 1,652 8.99 1,843 9.56 3,495 9.28
55 - 64 age 1,298 7.06 1,454 7.54 2,752 7.31
65 - 74 age 1,000 5.44 1,053 5.46 2,053 5.45
75 e più 852 4.64 926 4.80 1,778 4.72
Total 18,378 100.00 19,277 100.00 37,655 100.00
AGE CLASSES (Year 2020)
Average age and old-age index (Year 2020)
Average age (Years) 29.78 30.73 30.27
Old-age index[1] - - 31.96
  1. ^ Old-age index = (Inhabitants > 65 years old / Inhabitants 0-14 years old) * 100
Age Classes: Fonte INEGI

Rankings Municipality of ajuchitlán del progreso

  • is on 1784° place among 2469 municipalities per average age
  • is on 1440° place among 2469 municipalities per old-age index
  • is on 357° place among 2469 municipalities per % inhabitants < 15 years old
  • is on 1071° place among 2469 municipalities per % inhabitants > 64 years old
Select to compare the current area (beta)