Region Baia california

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Region of BAIA CALIFORNIA
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Tijuana 1,922,523
42.1 42.1
Mexicali 1,049,792
23.0 65.1
Ensenada 443,807
9.7 74.8
Los Cabos 351,111
7.7 82.5
La Paz 292,241
6.4 88.9
Playas de Rosarito 126,890
2.8 91.7
San Quintín 117,568
2.6 94.2
Tecate 108,440
2.4 96.6
Comondú 73,021
1.6 98.2
10° Mulegé 64,022
1.4 99.6
11° Loreto 18,052
0.4 100.0
Total 4,567,467 100.0 -

Population: Fonte INEGI