Province of CANTON ESCH

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of CANTON ESCH
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Esch-sur-Alzette 36,177
19.4 19.4
Differdange 28,641
15.4 34.8
Dudelange 21,583
11.6 46.3
Pétange 20,408
10.9 57.3
Sanem 17,949
9.6 66.9
Bettembourg 11,405
6.1 73.0
Schifflange 11,141
6.0 79.0
Kayl 9,721
5.2 84.2
Mondercange 6,964
3.7 87.9
10° Roeser 6,605
3.5 91.5
11° Rumelange 5,685
3.0 94.5
12° Frisange 4,799
2.6 97.1
13° Leudelange 2,710
1.5 98.6
14° Reckange-sur-Mess 2,680
1.4 100.0
Total 186,468 100.0 -

Population: Fonte STATEC