
Municipality of Cersosimo

Total consumption per capita divided by product categories and sectors (food, clothing, footwear, home, health, transport, communication, person, retail outlets, etc.) in Municipality of CERSOSIMO

Categories / sectorsTotal
(Mln €)
Bread and cereales 0.214 408.35 3.0
Meat 0.292 557.60 4.0
Fish 0.111 212.55 1.5
Milk, cheese and eggs 0.170 324.23 2.4
Oils and fats 0.044 84.56 0.6
Fruits 0.112 213.04 1.5
Vegetables, patatos included 0.176 335.84 2.4
Sugar, jam, honey, syrups, chocolate and bakery 0.049 93.98 0.7
Food categories n.a.c. 0.029 55.64 0.4
Coffee, tea e cocoa 0.043 82.49 0.6
Mineral water,soda pops and juices 0.063 120.35 0.9
Alcoholic beverages 0.067 127.34 0.9
Tabacco 0.322 614.81 4.5
Total:FOOD AND TABACCO 1.693 3,230.79 23.4
Clothing 0.422 805.91 5.8
Footwear 0.083 157.46 1.1
Total: CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR 0.505 963.36 7.0
Real rents 0.160 305.90 2.2
Imputed rents 1.039 1,982.67 14.4
Residence maintenance and repairs 0.049 93.27 0.7
Water and other residence services 0.150 286.07 2.1
Electricity, gas and others fossil fuels 0.471 897.95 6.5
Furniture, furnishing articles, decorations,carpets and other floor coverings, reparations included 0.079 150.02 1.1
Textile 0.012 23.70 0.2
Cooking appliances,fridges,washing machines and others white goods,accessories and riparations included 0.036 68.69 0.5
Small household appliances,accessories and reparations included 0.010 19.80 0.1
Glassware, tableware and household equipment 0.054 102.87 0.7
Home and garden tools and equipments 0.015 29.48 0.2
Non durable home goods 0.104 198.32 1.4
Domestic services and home hygiene 0.057 108.54 0.8
Total: HOME 2.236 4,267.29 30.9
medical products, sanitary and therapeutic material 0.079 150.56 1.1
Outpatient services 0.140 267.86 1.9
Hospital services 0.029 55.72 0.4
Total: HEALTH 0.248 474.14 3.4
Means of transport acquisition 0.071 136.01 1.0
Transport operating costs excluded fuels 0.226 430.51 3.1
Fuels and lubricants 0.388 740.20 5.4
Transport services 0.121 230.56 1.7
Total: TRANSPORTS 0.806 1,537.28 11.1
Postal services 0.003 5.10 0.0
Telephones and relative equipment 0.050 95.76 0.7
Telephone services, telegraphs and telefax 0.067 128.76 0.9
Total: COMMUNICATION 0.120 229.62 1.7
Audiovisual and photographic equipment, computer and accessories,reparations included 0.074 140.79 1.0
Other durable goods for culture and recreation 0.024 45.93 0.3
Games, toys and hobbies; sports equipment, camping and outdoor recreation 0.036 69.58 0.5
Gardening, flowers, plants; Pets and related products; Veterinary and other services for pets 0.065 123.99 0.9
Recreational and cultural services 0.127 242.92 1.8
Books 0.016 29.97 0.2
Newspapers and magazines; printed of various types; stationery and drawing materials 0.035 67.16 0.5
Education 0.032 61.77 0.4
Electrical appliances and other equipmentt for the care of the person 0.106 201.68 1.5
Belongings n.a.c. 0.077 147.44 1.1
Barbers, hairdressers and other health care services 0.102 194.57 1.4
Total: PERSON 0.695 1,325.79 9.6
Public services 0.322 613.84 4.4
Accomodation services 0.115 219.24 1.6
Holidays all inclusive 0.019 36.88 0.3
Social services 0.055 105.40 0.8
Insurances 0.189 360.76 2.6
Financial servicesi n.a.c. 0.088 167.24 1.2
Other services n.a.c. 0.138 263.97 1.9
Total: OTHER SERVICES 0.470 897.37 6.5
TOTAL Municipality of CERSOSIMO 7.229 13,795.60 100.0
Consumption: Fonte Elaborazioni URBISTAT su dati ISTAT (Contabilità Nazionale)

Rankings Municipality of cersosimo

  • is on 6834° place among 7896 municipalitiesfor Consumption Index