Region Lombardia

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Provinces of Region of LOMBARDIA
PProvincesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Milano 3,228,006
32.4 32.4
Brescia 1,257,326
12.6 45.0
Bergamo 1,106,303
11.1 56.0
Varese 879,731
8.8 64.9
Monza e della Brianza 873,606
8.8 73.6
Como 597,117
6.0 79.6
Pavia 536,406
5.4 85.0
Mantova 406,119
4.1 89.1
Cremona 352,189
3.5 92.6
10° Lecco 332,775
3.3 95.9
11° Lodi 228,136
2.3 98.2
12° Sondrio 178,795
1.8 100.0
Total 9,976,509 100.0 -

Population: Fonte ISTAT