Province of Ózdi járás

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of ÓZDI JÁRÁS
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Ózd 30,639
62.9 62.9
Arló 3,427
7.0 69.9
Borsodnádasd 2,977
6.1 76.0
Járdánháza 1,726
3.5 79.6
Farkaslyuk 1,718
3.5 83.1
Hangony 1,521
3.1 86.2
Borsodszentgyörgy 1,134
2.3 88.6
Sáta 1,044
2.1 90.7
Borsodbóta 788
1.6 92.3
10° Csokvaomány 787
1.6 93.9
11° Domaháza 739
1.5 95.5
12° Csernely 690
1.4 96.9
13° Nekézseny 646
1.3 98.2
14° Kissikátor 293
0.6 98.8
15° Lénárddaróc 244
0.5 99.3
16° Uppony 221
0.5 99.8
17° Bükkmogyorósd 120
0.2 100.0
Total 48,714 100.0 -

Population: Fonte KSH