Province of Gödöllői járás

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of GÖDÖLLŐI JÁRÁS
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Gödöllő 31,494
20.1 20.1
Veresegyház 20,634
13.2 33.2
Pécel 17,233
11.0 44.2
Kistarcsa 13,657
8.7 52.9
Isaszeg 11,685
7.4 60.4
Kerepes 10,611
6.8 67.1
Csömör 10,365
6.6 73.7
Erdőkertes 9,081
5.8 79.5
Mogyoród 7,746
4.9 84.5
10° Szada 6,421
4.1 88.6
11° Nagytarcsa 6,293
4.0 92.6
12° Dány 4,557
2.9 95.5
13° Valkó 2,539
1.6 97.1
14° Zsámbok 2,387
1.5 98.6
15° Vácszentlászló 2,178
1.4 100.0
Total 156,881 100.0 -

Population: Fonte KSH