Province of Territoire de belfort

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "Old-age index"[1]
in Municipalities of Province of TERRITOIRE DE BELFORT
PMunicipalitiesOld-age Index
Auxelles-Haut 228.6
Giromagny 204.5
Urcerey 191.4
Évette-Salbert 190.5
Buc 186.5
Vauthiermont 179.2
Lacollonge 175.9
Bavilliers 173.5
Rougegoutte 168.5
10° Lebetain 164.5
11° Châtenois-les-Forges 164.3
12° Courcelles 157.9
13° Eguenigue 156.8
14° Sevenans 156.7
15° Bourg-sous-Châtelet 155.0
16° Botans 153.3
17° Courtelevant 149.1
18° Sermamagny 146.2
19° Rougemont-le-Château 144.8
20° Petit-Croix 143.2
21° Éloie 140.4
22° Essert 136.3
23° Lagrange 135.0
24° Valdoie 133.7
25° Montbouton 133.3
26° Vescemont 133.3
27° Étueffont 132.8
28° Andelnans 132.4
29° Joncherey 132.1
30° Trévenans 130.6
31° Grosmagny 129.2
32° Anjoutey 126.9
33° Banvillars 126.0
34° Romagny-sous-Rougemont 124.2
35° Grandvillars 123.5
36° Beaucourt 122.3
37° Fontenelle 120.8
38° Chavanatte 119.0
39° Thiancourt 117.8
40° Lepuix 115.3
41° Cravanche 115.2
42° Delle 115.0
43° Fêche-l'Église 113.4
44° Danjoutin 111.6
45° Réchésy 111.4
46° Méziré 111.4
47° Vézelois 111.4
48° Felon 106.7
49° Belfort 106.6
50° Phaffans 104.8
51° Saint-Dizier-l'Évêque 103.8
52° Froidefontaine 100.0
53° Petitmagny 100.0
54° Chaux 99.5
55° Saint-Germain-le-Châtelet 99.2
56° Autrechêne 97.8
57° Frais 97.7
58° Montreux-Château 96.1
59° Lachapelle-sous-Chaux 95.2
60° Suarce 94.6
61° Chavannes-les-Grands 92.4
62° Pérouse 91.4
63° Bermont 90.8
64° Morvillars 90.4
65° Auxelles-Bas 89.5
66° Bretagne 89.3
67° Croix 86.5
68° Vétrigne 86.0
69° Roppe 86.0
70° Florimont 85.9
71° Meroux-Moval 85.7
72° Chèvremont 84.9
73° Denney 82.1
74° Lepuix-Neuf 80.9
75° Cunelières 78.9
76° Bessoncourt 77.7
77° Faverois 76.5
78° Novillard 76.5
79° Leval 74.5
80° Menoncourt 74.0
81° Bethonvilliers 73.8
82° Fontaine 73.0
83° Bourogne 72.0
84° Argiésans 70.2
85° Offemont 68.8
86° Reppe 67.5
87° Grosne 65.1
88° Dorans 64.8
89° Larivière 64.3
90° Boron 63.6
91° Angeot 60.5
92° Petitefontaine 59.0
93° Lamadeleine-Val-des-Anges 54.5
94° Lachapelle-sous-Rougemont 54.2
95° Charmois 52.4
96° Villars-le-Sec 46.2
97° Brebotte 44.7
98° Vellescot 44.1
99° Riervescemont 41.7
100° Recouvrance 38.2
101° Foussemagne 36.3

  1. ^ Old-age Index = (Population > 65 years old / (Population 0-14 years old) * 100
Age Classes: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati INSEE