Region Ahvenanmaan valtionvirasto

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Region of AHVENANMAAN VALTIONVIRASTO
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Mariehamn 11,677
39.6 39.6
Jomala 4,859
16.5 56.1
Finström 2,580
8.7 64.8
Lemland 2,028
6.9 71.7
Saltvik 1,873
6.4 78.1
Hammarland 1,547
5.2 83.3
Sund 1,031
3.5 86.8
Eckerö 948
3.2 90.0
Föglö 532
1.8 91.8
10° Geta 495
1.7 93.5
11° Brändö 452
1.5 95.0
12° Vårdö 430
1.5 96.5
13° Lumparland 395
1.3 97.8
14° Kumlinge 314
1.1 98.9
15° Kökar 236
0.8 99.7
16° Sottunga 92
0.3 100.0
Total 29,489 100.0 -

Population: Fonte Statistics Finland