Province of Pirkanmaa

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "Old-age index"[1]
in Municipalities of Province of PIRKANMAA
PMunicipalitiesOld-age Index
Ruovesi 288.3
Virrat 270.2
Mänttä-Vilppula 268.1
Punkalaidun 247.2
Urjala 233.3
Kihniö 225.0
Parkano 215.0
Ikaalinen 202.8
Juupajoki 189.4
10° Pälkäne 185.6
11° Orivesi 182.7
12° Sastamala 180.7
13° Valkeakoski 158.8
14° Tampere 137.1
Province of PIRKANMAA 129.6
15° Akaa 123.8
16° Hämeenkyrö 123.3
17° Nokia 101.8
18° Kangasala 97.5
19° Pirkkala 82.2
20° Vesilahti 81.5
21° Ylöjärvi 78.4
22° Lempäälä 67.2

  1. ^ Old-age Index = (Population > 65 years old / (Population 0-14 years old) * 100
Age Classes: Fonte Statistics Finland