Province of Varsinais-suomi

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DIVORCED INCIDENCE"
in Municipalities of Province of VARSINAIS-SUOMI
PMunicipalitiesDivorced Incidence
Kustavi 13.2
Naantali 12.5
Raisio 12.0
Turku 11.6
Salo 11.5
Uusikaupunki 11.1
Loimaa 11.1
Province of VARSINAIS-SUOMI 10.9
Vehmaa 10.8
Sauvo 10.7
10° Koski Tl 10.5
11° Aura 10.4
12° Mynämäki 10.3
13° Somero 10.2
14° Kaarina 10.2
15° Pöytyä 9.9
16° Paimio 9.9
17° Marttila 9.8
18° Oripää 9.8
19° Kimitoön 9.5
20° Laitila 9.4
21° Pargas 9.3
22° Taivassalo 9.0
23° Lieto 8.3
24° Pyhäranta 8.2
25° Masku 7.9
26° Nousiainen 7.9
27° Rusko 7.8

Civil Status: Fonte Statistical Finland
Population: Fonte Statistics Finland