Municipality of El puerto de santa maría

Foreign residents in Municipality of EL PUERTO DE SANTA MARÍA by gender and its related demographic balance, number of foreign minors, families with foreign head of household and number of households with at least one foreigner, segmentation per citizenship

Synthesis data (Year 2022)
 (n.)% on foreigners% on population
Total Foreigners 3,759 100.00 4.17
Foreigner males 1,696 45.12 1.88
Foreigner Females 2,063 54.88 2.29
  1. ^ Foreigners Growth rate = Foreigners Birth rate - Foreigners Death rate + Foreigners Migration rate
Foreigners: Fonte INE
Foreigner males: Fonte INE

Rankings Municipality of el puerto de santa maría

  • is on 4948° place among 8132 municipalities per % foreigners on total inhabitants
  • Foreigners Growth rate[1]: 0.0‰ ( 7010° place among 8132 municipalities)
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