
Province of Schwandorf, landkreis

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of SCHWANDORF, LANDKREIS
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Schwandorf, GKSt 29,990
19.8 19.8
Burglengenfeld, St 14,484
9.5 29.3
Maxhütte-Haidhof, St 12,225
8.1 37.4
Nittenau, St 9,449
6.2 43.6
Neunburg vorm Wald, St 8,413
5.5 49.1
Teublitz, St 7,820
5.2 54.3
Schwarzenfeld, M 6,422
4.2 58.5
Nabburg, St 6,281
4.1 62.7
Wernberg-Köblitz, M 5,647
3.7 66.4
10° Wackersdorf 5,437
3.6 70.0
11° Pfreimd, St 5,286
3.5 73.5
12° Oberviechtach, St 4,994
3.3 76.8
13° Bruck i.d.OPf., M 4,524
3.0 79.7
14° Bodenwöhr 4,446
2.9 82.7
15° Schmidgaden 3,062
2.0 84.7
16° Fensterbach 2,446
1.6 86.3
17° Schönsee, St 2,391
1.6 87.9
18° Steinberg am See 2,015
1.3 89.2
19° Teunz 1,832
1.2 90.4
20° Stulln 1,672
1.1 91.5
21° Schwarzhofen, M 1,403
0.9 92.4
22° Schwarzach b.Nabburg 1,398
0.9 93.4
23° Winklarn, M 1,369
0.9 94.3
24° Niedermurach 1,250
0.8 95.1
25° Neukirchen-Balbini, M 1,148
0.8 95.8
26° Dieterskirchen 1,033
0.7 96.5
27° Thanstein 992
0.7 97.2
28° Trausnitz 949
0.6 97.8
29° Altendorf 883
0.6 98.4
30° Guteneck 837
0.6 98.9
31° Gleiritsch 643
0.4 99.4
32° Stadlern 517
0.3 99.7
33° Weiding 453
0.3 100.0
34° Wolferlohe 0
0.0 100.0
Total 151,711 100.0 -

Population: Fonte DESTATIS