Province of Rhein-pfalz-kreis

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of RHEIN-PFALZ-KREIS
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Schifferstadt, Stadt 20,615
13.2 13.2
Mutterstadt 13,139
8.4 21.6
Limburgerhof 11,669
7.5 29.1
Böhl-Iggelheim 10,583
6.8 35.9
Bobenheim-Roxheim 10,062
6.5 42.4
Römerberg 9,907
6.4 48.7
Altrip 7,728
5.0 53.7
Dannstadt-Schauernheim 7,500
4.8 58.5
Maxdorf 7,225
4.6 63.1
10° Neuhofen 7,205
4.6 67.7
11° Lambsheim 7,077
4.5 72.3
12° Dudenhofen 6,008
3.9 76.1
13° Waldsee 5,960
3.8 80.0
14° Otterstadt 3,478
2.2 82.2
15° Beindersheim 3,359
2.2 84.3
16° Hochdorf-Assenheim 3,271
2.1 86.4
17° Harthausen 3,187
2.0 88.5
18° Heßheim 3,174
2.0 90.5
19° Birkenheide 3,134
2.0 92.5
20° Rödersheim-Gronau 2,934
1.9 94.4
21° Hanhofen 2,599
1.7 96.1
22° Fußgönheim 2,535
1.6 97.7
23° Großniedesheim 1,370
0.9 98.6
24° Heuchelheim bei Frankenthal 1,266
0.8 99.4
25° Kleinniedesheim 936
0.6 100.0
Total 155,921 100.0 -

Population: Fonte DESTATIS