
Province of Neumarkt i.d.opf., landkreis

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE AGE"
in Municipalities of Province of NEUMARKT I.D.OPF., LANDKREIS
PMunicipalitiesAverage age
Neumarkt i.d.OPf., GKSt 44.75
Pyrbaum, M 44.58
Postbauer-Heng, M 43.60
Dietfurt a.d.Altmühl, St 43.28
Province of NEUMARKT I.D.OPF., LANDKREIS 43.03
Lauterhofen, M 42.99
Breitenbrunn, M 42.70
Berching, St 42.65
Berg b.Neumarkt i.d.OPf. 42.42
Seubersdorf i.d.OPf. 42.23
10° Freystadt, St 42.16
11° Mühlhausen 42.13
12° Velburg, St 42.06
13° Sengenthal 41.72
14° Lupburg, M 41.62
15° Hohenfels, M 41.23
16° Berngau 41.06
17° Parsberg, St 40.81
18° Pilsach 40.79
19° Deining 40.76

Age Classes: Fonte Elaborazioi Urbistat su dati DESTATIS
Population: Fonte DESTATIS