Province of Amazonas

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of AMAZONAS
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Leticia 53,201
63.6 63.6
Puerto Nariño 10,587
12.7 76.2
Tarapacá (ANM) 4,245
5.1 81.3
La Pedrera (ANM) 4,138
4.9 86.2
La Chorrera (ANM) 3,114
3.7 90.0
El Encanto (ANM) 2,109
2.5 92.5
Puerto Santander (ANM) 1,891
2.3 94.7
Miriti - Paraná (ANM) 1,887
2.3 97.0
Puerto Arica (ANM) 1,076
1.3 98.3
10° Puerto Alegría (ANM) 774
0.9 99.2
11° La Victoria (ANM) 668
0.8 100.0
Total 83,690 100.0 -

Population: Fonte DANE