Province of Atlántico

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE COMPONENTS OF A FAMILY"
in Municipalities of Province of ATLÁNTICO
PMunicipalitiesAverage components of a family
Campo de La Cruz 4.11
Sabanalarga 4.00
Sabanagrande 3.99
Ponedera 3.98
Candelaria 3.92
Malambo 3.85
Suan 3.82
Manatí 3.81
Luruaco 3.79
10° Baranoa 3.75
11° Santo Tomás 3.71
Province of ATLÁNTICO 3.61
12° Repelón 3.60
13° Barranquilla 3.59
14° Soledad 3.57
15° Puerto Colombia 3.54
16° Piojó 3.52
17° Palmar de Varela 3.46
18° Juan de Acosta 3.45
19° Galapa 3.40
20° Santa Lucía 3.31
21° Polonuevo 3.29
22° Usiacurí 3.20
23° Tubará 3.20

Families: Fonte DANE
Population: Fonte DANE