
Ranking and Thematic mapof the "Bachleors/Bachelorette"
in Provinces
PProvincesBachleor/Bachelorette Incidence
Vaupés 62.6
La Guajira 60.7
Amazonas 60.4
Chocó 60.2
Guainía 60.2
Vichada 59.6
Nariño 58.7
Putumayo 56.9
Cauca 56.6
10° Antioquia 55.9
11° Norte de Santander 55.7
12° Arauca 55.6
13° Bogotá, D.C. 55.3
14° Caquetá 54.9
15° Casanare 54.8
16° Archipiélago de San Andrés 54.8
17° Boyacá 54.8
18° Huila 54.7
19° Cesar 54.3
20° Magdalena 54.2
21° Guaviare 54.2
22° Cundinamarca 54.0
23° Santander 53.9
24° Meta 53.9
25° Risaralda 53.8
26° Valle del Cauca 53.7
27° Córdoba 53.5
28° Tolima 53.4
29° Sucre 53.2
30° Quindio 53.2
31° Caldas 53.0
32° Bolívar 53.0
33° Atlántico 52.6

Civil Status: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati DANE
Population: Fonte DANE