Province of Caldas

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "Bachleors/Bachelorette"
in Municipalities of Province of CALDAS
PMunicipalitiesBachleor/Bachelorette Incidence
Riosucio 59.1
La Dorada 55.6
Marmato 55.1
Chinchiná 54.5
Supía 54.3
Viterbo 53.4
Norcasia 53.3
Province of CALDAS 53.0
Neira 52.9
Manizales 52.9
10° Villamaría 52.7
11° Anserma 52.2
12° Aguadas 52.1
13° Belalcázar 51.7
14° Salamina 51.5
15° Marulanda 51.3
16° Aranzazu 51.3
17° Manzanares 51.1
18° Risaralda 51.0
19° San José 50.4
20° Samaná 50.4
21° Marquetalia 50.2
22° Palestina 49.9
23° Pensilvania 49.8
24° Pácora 49.2
25° Filadelfia 49.1
26° La Merced 48.2
27° Victoria 47.8

Civil Status: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati DANE
Population: Fonte DANE