Province of Region maloja

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "WIDOWS / WIDOWERS INCIDENCE
in Municipalities of Province of REGION MALOJA
PMunicipalitiesWidows/Widowers Incidence
Bregaglia 8.6
Samedan 5.6
Silvaplana 5.3
S-chanf 5.2
Province of REGION MALOJA 5.2
La Punt Chamues-ch 5.1
St. Moritz 5.0
Sils im Engadin/Segl 4.8
Pontresina 4.5
Zuoz 4.3
10° Bever 4.1
11° Celerina/Schlarigna 4.1
12° Madulain 3.9

Civil Status: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati BFS
Population: Fonte BFS