Province of Wahlkreis wil

Ranking and Thematic mapof "GROWTH RATE"[1]
in Municipalities of Province of WAHLKREIS WIL
PMunicipalitiesGrowth rate
Uzwil 15.5
Zuzwil (SG) 12.8
Oberuzwil 12.6
Jonschwil 12.0
Wil (SG) 7.2
Niederbüren 6.6
Province of WAHLKREIS WIL 6.4
Degersheim 3.4
Niederhelfenschwil 0.3
Flawil -6.3
10° Oberbüren -8.4

  1. ^ Growth rate = Birth rate - Death rate + Migration rate
Births: Fonte BFS
Natural Balance: Fonte BFS
Migration balance: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati BFS
Population: Fonte BFS