Province of District du jura-nord vaudois

Ranking and Thematic mapof "GROWTH RATE"[1]
in Municipalities of Province of DISTRICT DU JURA-NORD VAUDOIS
PMunicipalitiesGrowth rate
Donneloye 70.7
Giez 69.8
Mauborget 66.2
Orges 65.4
Premier 64.4
Orbe 58.3
Cuarny 53.1
Montagny-près-Yverdon 51.4
Suscévaz 51.2
10° Baulmes 47.0
11° Chêne-Pâquier 46.7
12° Grandevent 46.4
13° Romainmôtier-Envy 45.4
14° La Praz 43.7
15° Belmont-sur-Yverdon 43.4
16° Arnex-sur-Orbe 42.1
17° Pomy 37.0
18° Démoret 36.6
19° Juriens 34.5
20° Novalles 29.1
21° L'Abbaye 27.7
22° Champvent 26.6
23° Provence 24.9
24° Ballaigues 24.7
25° Valeyres-sous-Ursins 24.3
26° Chavornay 24.1
27° Champagne 21.2
28° Cronay 17.4
29° Bioley-Magnoux 17.1
30° Vugelles-La Mothe 14.3
31° Vallorbe 11.3
32° Yvonand 10.6
33° Rovray 9.8
34° Vuiteboeuf 8.4
35° Mutrux 6.7
36° Treycovagnes 6.1
37° Valeyres-sous-Rances 4.9
38° Mathod 4.6
39° Fontaines-sur-Grandson 4.5
40° Grandson 3.3
41° Chavannes-le-Chêne 3.1
42° Concise 3.0
43° Sainte-Croix 1.6
44° Chamblon 0.0
45° Orzens 0.0
46° L'Abergement 0.0
47° Suchy 0.0
48° Bullet -1.5
49° Rances -2.0
50° Bretonnières -3.8
51° Corcelles-près-Concise -4.8
52° Bofflens -4.9
53° Le Lieu -5.7
54° Le Chenit -6.6
55° Agiez -8.0
56° Yverdon-les-Bains -9.9
57° Montcherand -10.0
58° Tévenon -13.6
59° Bavois -16.4
60° Bonvillars -16.6
61° Croy -17.9
62° Ependes (VD) -18.3
63° Cheseaux-Noréaz -19.3
64° Fiez -20.4
65° Onnens (VD) -24.3
66° Valeyres-sous-Montagny -24.4
67° Vaulion -26.4
68° Les Clées -27.5
69° Sergey -28.4
70° Ursins -48.2
71° Molondin -54.4
72° Villars-Epeney -63.8
73° Lignerolle -66.2

  1. ^ Growth rate = Birth rate - Death rate + Migration rate
Births: Fonte BFS
Natural Balance: Fonte BFS
Migration balance: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati BFS
Population: Fonte BFS