Province of District de la broye

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
in Municipalities of Province of DISTRICT DE LA BROYE
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Estavayer 10,086
29.1 29.1
Belmont-Broye 5,757
16.6 45.8
Montagny (FR) 2,865
8.3 54.0
Cheyres-Châbles 2,392
6.9 61.0
Cugy (FR) 1,874
5.4 66.4
Saint-Aubin (FR) 1,864
5.4 71.8
Les Montets 1,556
4.5 76.3
Delley-Portalban 1,262
3.6 79.9
Surpierre 1,206
3.5 83.4
10° Lully (FR) 1,203
3.5 86.9
11° Fétigny 1,147
3.3 90.2
12° Gletterens 1,093
3.2 93.3
13° Châtillon (FR) 513
1.5 94.8
14° Vallon 490
1.4 96.2
15° Nuvilly 456
1.3 97.5
16° Ménières 438
1.3 98.8
17° Sévaz 319
0.9 99.7
18° Prévondavaux 94
0.3 100.0
Total 34,615 100.0 -

Population: Fonte BFS