Province of Arrondissement administratif jura bernois

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "DEMOGRAPHIC SIZE"
PMunicipalitiesDemographic size
(N° inhabitants)
Moutier 7,262
13.5 13.5
Saint-Imier 5,100
9.5 23.0
Tramelan 4,646
8.6 31.6
Valbirse 3,972
7.4 39.0
La Neuveville 3,802
7.1 46.1
Tavannes 3,460
6.4 52.5
Reconvilier 2,356
4.4 56.9
Plateau de Diesse 2,108
3.9 60.9
Sonceboz-Sombeval 1,938
3.6 64.5
10° Péry-La Heutte 1,913
3.6 68.0
11° Corgémont 1,800
3.3 71.4
12° Court 1,411
2.6 74.0
13° Courtelary 1,403
2.6 76.6
14° Orvin 1,218
2.3 78.9
15° Sonvilier 1,210
2.3 81.1
16° Renan (BE) 968
1.8 82.9
17° Villeret 929
1.7 84.7
18° Sauge 820
1.5 86.2
19° Nods 802
1.5 87.7
20° Cortébert 697
1.3 89.0
21° Saicourt 624
1.2 90.1
22° La Ferrière 538
1.0 91.1
23° Crémines 510
0.9 92.1
24° Cormoret 490
0.9 93.0
25° Perrefitte 469
0.9 93.9
26° Petit-Val 413
0.8 94.6
27° Grandval 397
0.7 95.4
28° Eschert 376
0.7 96.1
29° Loveresse 365
0.7 96.7
30° Sorvilier 290
0.5 97.3
31° Belprahon 273
0.5 97.8
32° Romont (BE) 220
0.4 98.2
33° Corcelles (BE) 209
0.4 98.6
34° Roches (BE) 188
0.3 98.9
35° Champoz 163
0.3 99.2
36° Saules (BE) 154
0.3 99.5
37° Mont-Tramelan 109
0.2 99.7
38° Seehof 66
0.1 99.9
39° Rebévelier 41
0.1 99.9
40° Schelten 34
0.1 100.0
Total 53,744 100.0 -

Population: Fonte BFS