Province of Wahlkreis st. gallen

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "Bachleors/Bachelorette"
in Municipalities of Province of WAHLKREIS ST. GALLEN
PMunicipalitiesBachleor/Bachelorette Incidence
St. Gallen 50.5
Province of WAHLKREIS ST. GALLEN 47.2
Muolen 45.3
Waldkirch 44.6
Häggenschwil 42.8
Gossau (SG) 42.4
Andwil (SG) 42.1
Wittenbach 40.7
Gaiserwald 40.5
Eggersriet 40.5

Civil Status: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati BFS
Population: Fonte BFS