Province of Bezirk schwyz

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "Bachleors/Bachelorette"
in Municipalities of Province of BEZIRK SCHWYZ
PMunicipalitiesBachleor/Bachelorette Incidence
Riemenstalden 52.8
Morschach 47.9
Rothenthurm 47.8
Illgau 47.2
Steinerberg 46.5
Sattel 46.4
Schwyz 45.4
Muotathal 45.3
Lauerz 45.3
10° Alpthal 45.2
Province of BEZIRK SCHWYZ 44.9
11° Arth 44.5
12° Steinen 44.3
13° Ingenbohl 44.0
14° Unteriberg 43.5
15° Oberiberg 35.1

Civil Status: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati BFS
Population: Fonte BFS