
Gesamtverbrauch und Pro-Kopf-Verbrauch nach Warengruppen und Branchen unterteilt (Lebensmittel, Kleidung, Schuhwaren, Haushaltswaren, Gesundheitswesen, Transportwesen, Kommunikationsbereich, Körperpflegeartikel, öffentliche Lokale usw.) in LUXEMBURG

(Mio. €)
Pro Kopf
Anteil von
Food 1.584,747 2.455,46 7,8
Beverages 745,309 1.154,81 3,7
Tabacco and Narcotics 1.172,747 1.817,09 5,8
Clothing 855,305 1.325,24 4,2
Footwear 194,046 300,66 1,0
CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR 1.049,351 1.625,90 5,2
Real rents 1.057,392 1.638,36 5,2
Imputed rents 2.842,725 4.404,61 14,0
Residence maintenance and repairs 354,965 550,00 1,7
Water and other residence services 261,587 405,31 1,3
Furniture and furnishing 292,785 453,65 1,4
Textile 109,995 170,43 0,5
Large household appliances 156,952 243,19 0,8
Dishware and household equipment 87,053 134,88 0,4
House and Garden equipment 66,683 103,32 0,3
House maintenance 403,852 625,74 2,0
Pharmaceutical products and therapeutic appliances 233,928 362,46 1,1
Outpatient Services 309,724 479,90 1,5
HEALTH 663,403 1.027,90 3,3
Means of transport acquisition 819,819 1.270,26 4,0
Transport operating costs 1.967,801 3.048,98 9,7
Transport services 149,555 231,73 0,7
TRANSPORTS 2.937,175 4.550,96 14,4
Postal services 5,039 7,81 0,0
Telephones and relative equipment 27,016 41,86 0,1
COMMUNICATION 286,567 444,02 1,4
Other major durables for recreation and culture 35,379 54,82 0,2
Recreational and cultural services 400,850 621,09 2,0
Personal care 496,909 769,93 2,4
Personal effects n.e.c. 235,750 365,28 1,2
PERSON 1.679,198 2.601,81 8,3
EDUCATION 228,889 354,65 1,1
Public services 1.182,074 1.831,55 5,8
Accomodation services 281,850 436,71 1,4
Holidays all inclusive 251,510 389,70 1,2
Social services 710,896 1.101,49 3,5
Insurances 621,377 962,78 3,1
Financial servicesi n.a.c. 327,306 507,14 1,6
Other services n.a.c. 521,674 808,30 2,6
OTHER SERVICES 2.181,252 3.379,71 10,7
GESAMTSUMME LUXEMBURG 20.352,350 31.534,62 100,0
Verbrauch: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati EUROSTAT

Ranglisten Luxemburg