Gemeinde von Nova siri

Gesamtverbrauch und Pro-Kopf-Verbrauch nach Warengruppen und Branchen unterteilt (Lebensmittel, Kleidung, Schuhwaren, Haushaltswaren, Gesundheitswesen, Transportwesen, Kommunikationsbereich, Körperpflegeartikel, öffentliche Lokale usw.) in Gemeinde von NOVA SIRI

(Mio. €)
Pro Kopf
Anteil von
Bread and cereales 2,756 405,53 3,0
Meat 3,772 555,10 4,1
Fish 1,446 212,72 1,6
Milk, cheese and eggs 2,191 322,44 2,4
Oils and fats 0,571 84,04 0,6
Fruits 1,440 211,83 1,6
Vegetables, patatos included 2,271 334,15 2,5
Sugar, jam, honey, syrups, chocolate and bakery 0,632 92,93 0,7
Food categories n.a.c. 0,378 55,60 0,4
Coffee, tea e cocoa 0,560 82,39 0,6
Mineral water,soda pops and juices 0,813 119,56 0,9
Alcoholic beverages 0,856 125,93 0,9
Tabacco 4,176 614,47 4,5
Total:FOOD AND TABACCO 21,861 3.216,70 23,7
Clothing 5,443 800,97 5,9
Footwear 1,064 156,62 1,2
Total: CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR 6,508 957,59 7,0
Real rents 2,053 302,02 2,2
Imputed rents 13,311 1.958,73 14,4
Residence maintenance and repairs 0,620 91,29 0,7
Water and other residence services 1,920 282,54 2,1
Electricity, gas and others fossil fuels 6,056 891,11 6,6
Furniture, furnishing articles, decorations,carpets and other floor coverings, reparations included 0,955 140,51 1,0
Textile 0,153 22,55 0,2
Cooking appliances,fridges,washing machines and others white goods,accessories and riparations included 0,453 66,68 0,5
Small household appliances,accessories and reparations included 0,131 19,26 0,1
Glassware, tableware and household equipment 0,700 102,95 0,8
Home and garden tools and equipments 0,193 28,41 0,2
Non durable home goods 1,343 197,64 1,5
Domestic services and home hygiene 0,706 103,92 0,8
Total: HOME 28,595 4.207,62 30,9
medical products, sanitary and therapeutic material 0,999 146,95 1,1
Outpatient services 1,801 264,95 1,9
Hospital services 0,370 54,44 0,4
Total: HEALTH 3,169 466,34 3,4
Means of transport acquisition 0,844 124,13 0,9
Transport operating costs excluded fuels 2,849 419,19 3,1
Fuels and lubricants 5,004 736,37 5,4
Transport services 1,550 228,09 1,7
Total: TRANSPORTS 10,247 1.507,78 11,1
Postal services 0,033 4,93 0,0
Telephones and relative equipment 0,640 94,10 0,7
Telephone services, telegraphs and telefax 0,853 125,50 0,9
Total: COMMUNICATION 1,526 224,53 1,7
Audiovisual and photographic equipment, computer and accessories,reparations included 0,938 138,09 1,0
Other durable goods for culture and recreation 0,309 45,45 0,3
Games, toys and hobbies; sports equipment, camping and outdoor recreation 0,459 67,55 0,5
Gardening, flowers, plants; Pets and related products; Veterinary and other services for pets 0,828 121,91 0,9
Recreational and cultural services 1,592 234,20 1,7
Books 0,198 29,07 0,2
Newspapers and magazines; printed of various types; stationery and drawing materials 0,446 65,65 0,5
Education 0,398 58,57 0,4
Electrical appliances and personal care; other equipment, articles and products for the care of the person 1,361 200,21 1,5
Belongings n.a.c. 0,981 144,40 1,1
Barbers, hairdressers and other health care services 1,306 192,24 1,4
Total: PERSON 8,817 1.297,34 9,5
Public services 4,002 588,87 4,3
Accomodation services 1,437 211,44 1,6
Holidays all inclusive 0,245 36,06 0,3
Social services 0,713 104,92 0,8
Insurances 2,413 355,01 2,6
Financial servicesi n.a.c. 1,097 161,48 1,2
Other services n.a.c. 1,767 259,99 1,9
Total: OTHER SERVICES 5,990 881,40 6,5
GESAMTSUMME Gemeinde von NOVA SIRI 92,396 13.595,66 100,0
Verbrauch: Fonte Elaborazioni URBISTAT su dati ISTAT (Contabilità Nazionale)

Ranglisten Gemeinde von nova siri

  • ist am 6938auf Platz… 7896 gemeindennach Konsumindex