
Gesamtverbrauch und Pro-Kopf-Verbrauch nach Warengruppen und Branchen unterteilt (Lebensmittel, Kleidung, Schuhwaren, Haushaltswaren, Gesundheitswesen, Transportwesen, Kommunikationsbereich, Körperpflegeartikel, öffentliche Lokale usw.) in AUTRICHE

(Mio. €)
Pro Kopf
Anteil von
Food 17.965,294 2.000,83 8,7
Non-alcoholic beverages 2.168,303 241,49 1,0
Alcoholic beverages 2.760,438 307,44 1,3
Tabacco 3.481,693 387,76 1,7
Clothing 9.355,632 1.041,95 4,5
Footwear 2.228,929 248,24 1,1
Gross lease 31.124,208 3.466,36 15,0
Maintenance and repair of the dwelling 2.370,658 264,02 1,1
Electricity, gas and other fuels 7.271,861 809,88 3,5
Furniture and furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings 5.367,951 597,84 2,6
Textile 1.039,918 115,82 0,5
Large household appliances 2.083,367 232,03 1,0
Dishware and household equipment 727,711 81,05 0,4
House and Garden equipment 954,578 106,31 0,5
House maintenance 3.471,807 386,66 1,7
medical products, sanitary and therapeutic material 3.231,120 359,86 1,6
Outpatient Services 3.003,849 334,54 1,4
Hospital services and the like 1.625,295 181,01 0,8
Means of transport acquisition 6.406,356 713,49 3,1
Transport operating costs 13.606,394 1.515,37 6,6
Transport services 5.047,875 562,19 2,4
Telephone and fax equipment 701,786 78,16 0,3
Telecommunication services 2.956,539 329,28 1,4
Other durable goods for culture and recreation 222,126 24,74 0,1
Other recreational items and equipment, gardens and pets 4.922,992 548,28 2,4
Recreational and cultural services 8.349,809 929,93 4,0
Newspapers, books and stationery 2.261,209 251,84 1,1
Package holidays 2.178,391 242,61 1,1
Education 988,069 110,04 0,5
Catering services 22.714,883 2.529,80 11,0
Accommodation services 6.109,380 680,41 2,9
Personal care 5.629,418 626,96 2,7
Personal effects n.e.c. 1.775,901 197,79 0,9
Social protection 2.457,411 273,69 1,2
Insurance 6.133,489 683,10 3,0
Financial services n.e.c. 2.540,632 282,95 1,2
Other services n.e.c. 2.098,195 233,68 1,0
GESAMTSUMME AUTRICHE 207.300,806 23.087,48 100,0
Verbrauch: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati Eurostat

Ranglisten Autriche