Municipality of Liebschützberg

Territorial extension of Municipality of LIEBSCHÜTZBERG and related population density, population per gender and number of households, average age and incidence of foreigners

Region Sachsen
Province Nordsachsen, Landkreis
Sign Province Nordsachsen, Landkreis
Hamlet of the municipality 0
Surface (Km2) 68.57
Population density (Inhabitants/Kmq) 42.8
Demographic data (year 2022)
Inhabitants (N.) 2,937
Families (N.) 0
Males (%) 50.7
Females (%) 49.3
Foreigners (%) 6.1
Average age (years) 47.6
Average annual variation
Males, females and foreigners incidence (year 2022)
  1. ^ Natural balance = Births - Deaths
  2. ^ Migration balance = Registered - Deleted
Population: Fonte DESTATIS
Males: Fonte DESTATIS
Foreigners: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati DESTATIS
Natural Balance: Fonte DESTATIS

Rankings Municipality of liebschützberg

  • is on 258° place among 419 municipalities in region by demographic size
  • is on 4228° place among 10998 municipalities in GERMANY by demographic size
  • is on 1919° place among 10998 municipalities in GERMANY per average age
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