Province of Powiat opolski

Ranking and Thematic mapof the "AVERAGE AGE"
in Municipalities of Province of POWIAT OPOLSKI
PMunicipalitiesAverage age
Ozimek 43.89
Murów 43.79
Popielów 43.54
Tułowice 43.40
Komprachcice 43.12
Niemodlin 42.71
Province of POWIAT OPOLSKI 42.61
Dąbrowa 42.56
Tarnów Opolski 42.37
Turawa 42.14
10° Chrząstowice 41.76
11° Prószków 41.67
12° Łubniany 41.60
13° Dobrzeń Wielki 40.99

Age Classes: Fonte Elaborazioni Urbistat su dati GUS
Population: Fonte GUS